Star Trek: Prodigy
2021-2024  (Netflix)
Star Trek: Prodigy


Star Trek: Prodigy (116) - Preludes


Episode #
U.S. Air Date
Written By
Julie Benson, Shawna Benson, Kevin &
Dan Hageman, Nikhil S. Jayaram,
Diandra Pendleton-Thompson,
Chad Quandt, Lisa Schultz Boyd
& Aaron J. Waltke
Directed By
Steve In Chang Ahn & Sung Shin
Our Rating
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While working to repair the Protostar the crew tell their stories of how they came to be imprisoned together on Tars Lamora. Meanwhile the Diviner learns about his own past from an unlikely source.

U.S. air dates are in MM.DD.YY form.   U.K. air dates are in DD.MM.YY form.
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