In the year 2052, a group of astronauts prepare for a 6-year mission to Venus and planets beyond ... unaware that a secret force is pulling the strings of fate.
Ted's experience at the hands of the mysterious Beta leaves him isolated and unsure of his future. On Earth, Ajay learns that he has been removed from the program.
As they prepare to pass the mission's point of no return, the crew struggles with what they are leaving behind on Earth. Donner makes a discovery about his hallucinations.
An accident puts Paula's life in danger when Evram's hallucinations interfere with his ability to do his job. Five years ago, Zoe faces the consequences of a difficult decision.
After the crew has its first encounter with the entity in Pod 4, Eve reveals the truth about where it came from -- and the true nature of the Antares mission.
The crew members attempt to come to terms with the true nature of their mission, each in their own way. Donner revisits the Mars mission and Sharon's behavior in light of the news about Beta.
As Jen recalls a sensory deprivation challenge during her training, her relationship with Rollie is strained when he finds himself in a jail cell and unable to contact her. Evram tries to get through to Paula, and Donner attempts to conquer the Venus landing simulator.