Game of Thrones
2011-2019  (HBO)
Game of Thrones

Sons of the Harpy

Sons of the Harpy

Episode #
U.S. Air Date
Written By
Directed By

As Jaime and Bronn arrive in Dorne, Ellaria Sand rallies her daughters in a plan to seize Myrcella. Jon Snow is tempted by Melisandre, and Tyrion discovers what his captor plans to do with him. In King’s Landing, the new religious order is given broad power to enforce the moral code.

U.S. air dates are in MM.DD.YY form.   U.K. air dates are in DD.MM.YY form.
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    From HBO:

    The Faith Militant grow increasingly aggressive. Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and Bronn (Jerome Flynn) head south. Ellaria (Indira Varma) and the Sand Snakes vow vengeance.