Orphan Black
2013-2017  (BBC America, BBC Three, Space)
Orphan Black

Formalized, Complex, and Costly

Formalized, Complex, and Costly

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Art brings Sarah a lead on Mark, the Prolethean Castor clone, who is searching for Castor tissue samples with his new wife, Gracie. Cosima and Scott try to learn more about the Castor’s biology, while Alison and Donnie launch their new business with great success.

U.S. air dates are in MM.DD.YY form.   U.K. air dates are in DD.MM.YY form.
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    From BBC America:

    Leda and Castor are both on the hunt for original clone DNA. On-the-lam, Mark and Gracie pursue new leads to find the samples that might set them free, while Art and Sarah reunite to track them down. Meanwhile, Cosima and Scott try to learn more about Castor’s biology and Alison’s new money-making venture is going gangbusters. A shocking revelation about the Castor-Leda connection leaves the sisters reeling, just before Sarah witnesses a deadly Prolethean-Castor face-off.