Orphan Black
2013-2017  (BBC America, BBC Three, Space)
Orphan Black

Transgressive Border Crossing

Transgressive Border Crossing

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Returning from her remote hideout Sarah discovers that Neolution has been implanting a mysterious and disturbing technology in the cheeks of its people. Cosima struggles with not knowing Delphine’s fate, and a frustrated Felix sets out to find his biological family. Helena receives big news about her pregnancy.

U.S. air dates are in MM.DD.YY form.   U.K. air dates are in DD.MM.YY form.
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    From BBC America:

    After evading a Neolution attack in Iceland, Sarah returns home to track down an elusive new ally. She follows breadcrumbs and uncovers the next facet of Neolution’s agenda – implanting dangerous technological devices in humans. However, those she left behind are wary about her return, not wanting to relinquish their semblance of normalcy. As Cosima struggles with Delphine’s disappearance, Alison and Donnie host a pregnant and ever-hungry Helena. Meanwhile Felix, feeling like an outsider, embarks on his own journey of self-discovery.