Star Trek: Prodigy
2021-2024  (Netflix)
Star Trek: Prodigy

A Moral Star, Part 2

Star Trek: Prodigy (110) - A Moral Star, Part 2

A Moral Star, Part 2

Episode #
U.S. Air Date
Written By
Kevin & Dan Hageman, Julie Benson,
Shawna Benson, Lisa Schultz Boyd,
Nikhil S. Jayaram, Diandra
Pendleton-Thompson, Chad Quandt,
Aaron J. Waltke
Directed By
Our Rating
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The crew’s plan to turn the tables on the Diviner goes sideways, forcing them to call on the miners to help retake the Protostar. On board the ship, Gwyn discovers a dark secret that threatens Starfleet.

U.S. air dates are in MM.DD.YY form.   U.K. air dates are in DD.MM.YY form.
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