Captain Riker and the Enterprise crew attempt a daring plan to rescue Captain Picard, who has been turned into a mouthpiece by the Borg -- who continue their relentless and destructive march toward Earth.
Picard returns to his family home in France, and receives a less-than-friendly welcome from his estranged brother. Worf deals with the surprise visit of his adopted parents.
A homing beacon draws Data to a remote world, where he discovers that his creator, Dr. Noonian Soong, is still alive. But the signal also calls the android's evil brother, Lore.
The sister of the late Tasha Yar helps the crew of the Enterprise in an attempt to locate and rescue the crew of a downed Federation freighter on her homeworld.
Worf's Klingon lover returns to the Enterprise with a surprise -- Worf's son. Picard is selected to arbitrate a dispute between two warriors vying for leadership of the Klingon High Council.
Riker awakens to a future he does not remember, in which he is captain of the Enterprise and the Federation is at peace with the Romulans. But all is not as it seems.
Wesley joins Captain Picard on one last mission before leaving for Starfleet Academy -- a mission that leaves them stranded on a desert moon without water.
Deanna Troi struggles with the sudden and inexplicable loss of her empathic abilities, as the Enterprise is pulled toward destruction by an unseen anomaly.
Commander Data prepares for the wedding of Keiko and Chief O'Brien, as the Enterprise ferries a Vulcan ambassador to a secret meeting with the Romulans.
The Enterprise prepares to make first contact with a developing civilization, but Riker is injured during a covert observation mission -- and stranded on the planet.
A giant space organism latches itself on to the Enterprise hull, and LaForge must seek the help of the cold and critical Dr. Leah Brahms to save the ship and the creature. But matters are complicated when Brahms discovers Geordi's holographic recreation of her.
A rift in space traps the Enterprise when the ship investigates a science vessel that is adrift, and the crew begin to suffer from intense hallucinations.
LaForge teams with an old friend to locate missing officers they once served with, but the two begin to fall victim to a previously dormant parasite that threatens to transform them into another species.
An explosion on board the Enterprise causes a renowned Starfleet admiral to investigate the possibility of a saboteur on the ship, leading to an all-out witch hunt.
While visiting the Enterprise, Lwaxana Troi falls in love with a brilliant alien scientist -- but learns that he will soon participate in the ritual suicide that his society requires of their elderly.
Beverly falls in love with a Trill -- a symbiotic species that lives within a humanoid. But when Odan's host body is killed, Riker volunteers to serve as a temporary host -- complicating Crusher's relationship with him.
Picard must act quickly to try and prevent a Klingon civil war when the Duras family challenges the installation of Gowron. Worf and Kurn move to reclaim their family honor.