The Dead Zone
2002-2007  (USA)
The Dead Zone

The Dead Zone


Season One

Johnny Smith wakes up after six years in a coma to discover that his life has been turned upside-down ... and that he has a paranormal ability to see the past, the present and the future with a touch.


Season Two

Johnny's gifts take on a terrible new importance after he witnesses an apocalyptic vision of a scorched future. But when he finds himself sometimes unable to do good, Johnny retreats from his second sight.


Season Three

Having made a new ally in a post-apocalyptic future, Johnny Smith makes it his mission to stop Greg Stillson from destroying the world. A new love interest complicates Johnny's life.


Season Four

The power of Johnny's visions – and the threat to the future – hit closer to home than ever before.


Season Six

Johnny and the Bannerman family must deal with a tragic personal loss.

Show Status

CONCLUDED. The Dead Zone aired for six seasons on USA Network in the United States.