The Expanse
2015-2022  (Prime Video, Syfy)
The Expanse

The Expanse


Season One

Two hundred years in the future a detective and a rogue captain join forces to investigate a missing persons case that will lead them deep into a conspiracy that spans the solar system.


Season Two

In the aftermath of the Eros massacre Holden, Miller, and the crew of the Rocinate find themselves in the midst of an impending war between Earth, Mars, and the Belt.

The Expanse (307) - Delta-V

Season Three

Earth, Mars and the Belt are at war, with each competing entity vying for control. Now more than ever the Rocinate's mission to unlock the secret of the protomolecule reaches an all-time high -- and every decision made could jeopardize the survival of the solar system.

The Expanse (401) - New Terra

Season Four

After the discovery of numerous planets beyond the Ring Gate, the Rocinate joins humanity in a new rush for land and natural resources – creating new tensions between Earth, Mars and the Belt.

The Expanse (501) - Exodus

Season Five

The crew of the Rocinate and their allies confront the sins of their past, while Marco Inaros unleashes an attack that could alter the future of Earth, Mars, the Belt, and the worlds beyond the Ring.

The Expanse (Season 6)

Season Six

War rages as Marco Inaros and his Free Navy continue to launch devastating attacks on Earth and Mars, and tensions threaten to tear the Rocinate crew apart – while on a distant planet beyond the Rings, a new power begins to rise.


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CONCLUDED. The Expanse ran for three seasons on Syfy Channel, followed by three additional seasons streaming on Amazon Prime Video.