The Walking Dead
2010-2022  (AMC)
The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead


Season One

Sheriff Rick Grimes awakens from a coma to find a world overrun by zombies, and goes in search of his wife and son -- and any hope that civilization might go on.


Season Two

Rick and the others are forced to regroup after the events at the C.D.C., and seek shelter at a farm. Meanwhile, the search continues for a member of the group lost in the woods.


Season Three

Rick and the others arrive at a haven of survivors from the apocalypse, under the dictatorial leadership of a man who goes by the name "the Governor."


Season Four

A growing community and a newfound sense of security make it difficult not to grow complacent, until new threats arrive at the prison gates.


Season Five

Rick and his friends must escape the confines of Terminus in order to set out on a mission to Washington, D.C. in what they hope is a chance to set the world right.


Season Six

The group's life in the safe haven of Alexandria faces new challenges, as a super-herd of walkers is discovered nearby and the Wolves turn their gaze to the protected town. But a much more sinister threat lies on the horizon.


Season Seven

A confrontation with the warlord Negan leaves the group changed forever as they struggle under the new reality of his oppressive control. Meanwhile, Morgan and Carol encounter a new group of potential allies: the Kingdom.

The Walking Dead (808) - How It's Gotta Be

Season Eight

The battle lines are drawn as Rick and the survivors bring all-out-war to Negan's forces. The Saviors are larger, better-equipped, and ruthless -- but Rick and the unified communities are fighting for the promise of a brighter future.

The Walking Dead (Season 9)

Season Nine

After the war against Negan the communities work to rebuild a better life, forging a new future for their children. But as nature continues to overtake the old world, new dangers threaten the civilization they wish to create.

The Walking Dead (Season 10)

Season Ten

With a tenuous quiet in the conflict with Alpha and the Whisperers, the survivors prepare for the inevitable war to come.

The Walking Dead (1102) - Acheron, Part 2

Season Eleven

While one group find themselves inside the powerful but suspicious community the Commonwealth, Alexandria struggles with a lack of resources ... and Daryl finds an old friend amidst a dangerous cult.


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CONCLUDED. The Walking Dead aired for 11 seasons on AMC.