Jessica Jones
2015-2019  (Netflix)
Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones


Season One

A former superhero turned New York private investigator sets her sights on the villain who destroyed her life, hoping to find herself again in the process.

Jessica Jones (208) - AKA Ain't We Got Fun

Season Two

After ridding New York of Kilgrave and gaining a reputation as a super-powered killer, private investigator Jessica Jones takes on a new case that makes her reluctantly confront who she really is while digging deeper into her past.

Jessica Jones (304) - AKA Customer Service is Standing By

Season Three

Jessica Jones crosses paths with a brilliant psychopath, forcing her to repair her relationship with Trish in order to take him down – and setting up a clash over their conflicting ideas of heroism.

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Cast photos from Marvel's Jessica Jones


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Show Status

CANCELLED. Marvel's Jessica Jones ran for three seasons on Netflix.